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Last updated
If you still feel the taste of the beautiful Katxupa in your mouth, please take another glass of wine, and let's explore how the extension library can bring a delightful touch to your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.
From functional programming utilities to time handling and result handling, Katxupa is here to make your coding journey more enjoyable.
This package is build up with simplicity in mind, brings no additional dependencies, and it's published in NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/katxupa.
It can be installed using your preferred package manager.
Important: Now you need to do a global import. Please import it in your main/entrypoint file. No need to import it in each file for global functions.
To make sure ESLint is able to recognise and validate type extensions and global functions, eslint-config-katxupa is provided and should be configured for your project when using Katxupa + ESLint.
ESLint plugin configuration